Deep cleaning is a crucial dental procedure designed to maintain your oral health by removing plaque and tartar from below the gum line. This treatment goes beyond regular cleanings to address and prevent gum disease, ensuring a cleaner, healthier mouth.

When Should You Consider Deep Cleaning?

  • To Prevent Gum Disease: If you’re experiencing symptoms like bleeding gums or persistent bad breath.
  • To Manage Existing Gum Disease: For those with moderate to severe gum disease, deep cleaning helps to halt its progression.
  • To Freshen Breath: If you have chronic bad breath that doesn’t improve with regular brushing.
  • To Reduce Gum Inflammation: For swollen or receding gums that need special care.
  • To Support Overall Oral Health: To prevent plaque buildup and related complications.

Types of Deep Cleaning Procedures

  • Scaling: This involves removing plaque and tartar from the surfaces of your teeth and below the gum line using specialized tools.
  • Root Planing: This procedure smooths out the roots of your teeth to promote gum reattachment and prevent future plaque accumulation.

Benefits of Deep Cleaning

  • Prevents Gum Disease Progression: By removing harmful bacteria and tartar, deep cleaning helps stop gum disease from advancing.
  • Improves Breath Freshness: Eliminates bacteria that contribute to bad breath, leaving you with a fresher mouth.
  • Reduces Gum Inflammation: Helps decrease swelling and bleeding in your gums, leading to better gum health.
  • Supports Long-Term Oral Health: Keeps your teeth and gums in good condition, reducing the risk of future dental problems.

This is a process done to cure gum and periodental illness. Some areas are not easily reached with regular tooth brushing, flossing or regular dental cleanings.